Previewing output (Adobe Acrobat Pro) 您所在的位置:网站首页 omitting hidden slides from pdf export Previewing output (Adobe Acrobat Pro)

Previewing output (Adobe Acrobat Pro)

2023-08-12 13:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Output Preview dialog box provides the tools and controls to help you simulate how your PDF looks in different conditions. The top part of the dialog box has several controls for previewing your document. The Preview menu allows you to switch between previewing separations and previewing color warnings. When you select Separations, the bottom half of the dialog box lists information about the inks in the file, as well as total area coverage controls. When you select Color Warnings, a warnings section replaces the separations section and provides information about ink warning controls. The preview settings you specify in the Output Preview dialog box are reflected directly in the open document.

You can also access the Object Inspector from the Preview section of the Output Preview dialog box to inspect the content of your document. For more information, see View information about the content of a PDF document.

Output Preview also includes access to the complete Ink Manager for remapping spot-color inks in both printing and previewing. Ink mapping for previewing only applies when the Output Preview dialog box is open.






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